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Narmada cruise set to run between Statue of Unity and MP

Updated: Apr 26th, 2024

In a bid to avail tourism of the Statue of Unity and Madhya Pradesh, the MP Tourism Board has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) and the Government of Gujarat.

Under this collaboration, two floating jetties, known as pontoons, have been dispatched from Kolkata to Kukshi in MP.

A pontoon, a buoyant platform, is tethered to a wharf. It accommodates many, ensuring safety in the water. Arrival, rates, and stops for a cruise are determined post-tender.

The cruise will be set to run from Ekatma Dham (Statue of Oneness) in Omkareshwar to the Statue of Unity at Kevadia.

Two floating jetties will be provided to both the neighbouring states, according to the MoU.

Originating from the plateau of Amarkantak, the country's fifth-largest river flows through the states of MP and Gujarat.

The water route of Narmada, often known as the lifeline of MP and Gujarat, will ensure the exchange of goods between the two states.

A route of 120 km from Kevadia to Kukshi has been decided. The cruise will include stopovers at Maheshwar, Mandleshwar, and the ancient city of Mandu in MP.

Two jetties will be deployed at Chandankhedi-Kukshi and Sakarja-Alirajpur in Madhya Pradesh and Hafeshwar, Chhota Udepur, and the Statue of Unity-Kevadia in Gujarat.

The state government will develop the necessary infrastructure and other facilities for cruise tourism.

Gujarat’s Statue of Unity is home to is the world’s tallest statue, with a height of 182 metres (597 feet), located near Kevadia in Gujarat.

In MP, Statue of Oneness is a 108-ft tall statue of vedic erudite ADi Shankaracharya.

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