Gujarati third-most spoken language among Indians in Canada
Gujarati language has become the third most spoken language among Indian immigrants in Canada over the years.
Approximately 87,900 Gujarati-speaking immigrants have settled in Canada since 1980, with the highest percentage — 26% — arriving between 2016 and 2021. Punjabi speakers are the most numerous in this community, according to Statistics Canada.
Among Indian languages spoken in Canada, Punjabi has the highest number of speakers at 75,475, followed by Hindi with 35,170 speakers.
Gujarati ranks third, with 22,935 Gujarati-speaking immigrants. Meanwhile, Malayalam speakers number 15,440, and Bengali speakers number 13,835.
Highest growth rate
Statistics reveal that over the past decade, Gujarati immigrants have recorded the second-highest growth rate among major language groups, with a 26% increase between 2011 and 2021. In comparison, Punjabi speakers grew by 22% during this period, while Hindi speakers saw a growth of over 114%.
Another language from Gujarat, Kutchi, also appears in this list, though the number of Kutchi speakers has decreased, from 460 between 2001 and 2010 to 370 between 2011 and 2021.
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