Viral letter warns action against govt employee requesting election duty exemption

Updated: Apr 3rd, 2024

“Since you are unable to perform a single day’s election duty, you would be unable to serve as a government employee, too…” read a response from the provincial office of Limkheda in Surat, addressed to a government employee who had reportedly requested an exemption from election duties on medical grounds.

Not only that, the government employee was asked to produce a medical certificate, from a specific hospital mentioned in the letter, or face punitive action by the authorities.

The letter, which has now gone viral, is signed by provincial official of Limkheda.

It said that the district election officer and collector in Dahod had appointed the government employee as the presiding officer. However, the employee had asked to cancel the order in writing, citing medical reasons.

The letter then demanded a medical certificate from a civil surgeon of Zydus Hospital in Dahod, in five days.

It said that the election duty order would only be cancelled if the report proves the employee's inability to perform his duties.

However, the letter said that since the certificate will prove that the employee is unable to perform election duty for even a day, an application for their retirement will be sent to the district education official.

Moreover, if the medical certificate is not produced within five days, punitive actions will be taken against the employee for intentionally hindering electoral operations, according to the letter.

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