Gujarat increases pay for visiting doctors in state health institutions

Updated: Oct 1st, 2024

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Gujarat has announced a pay hike in the honorarium received by visiting experts/super specialists at the state-sponsored health institutions under the CM-SETU (Chief Minister's Services of Experts at Treatment Unit) scheme, announced Minister of Health and Family Welfare Rushikesh Patel today.

The doctors at state community health centres, sub-district hospitals, and district hospitals were earlier paid ₹700 to ₹900 per hour based on distance, which has now been increased.

The paediatricians and general physicians will be paid an honorarium of ₹3,000 per day and all other super specialist doctors will be paid ₹2,000 per day, against which these doctors will have to render compulsory service of minimum three hours per day.

Apart from this remuneration, depending on the type of surgery, doctors will also be entitled to an incentive of ₹300 to ₹2,000. If the services of an anaesthetist are availed during a surgery, 50% of the current incentive amount for such surgery will be given separately to the anaesthetist.

These specialist doctors can serve as many days as they want in a month without any limit. Doctors will be remunerated only on the basis of services rendered.

Also, they will not be eligible for any benefit under 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana' for the services rendered under CM-SETU scheme. Those receiving incentives under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana will have to deposit the extra amount back to the Rogi Kalyan Samiti or Patient Welfare Committee.

Visiting super specialist doctors working at hospitals affiliated to state government medical colleges or GMERS-run medical colleges were earlier paid ₹2,700 per three hours, which will now be increased to ₹8,500 per day.

Moreover, they will be able to provide services to specialists with non-surgical super specialties at ₹8,500 per day for as many days as they want. Against this, the doctors have to provide a minimum of three hours of compulsory services.

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