AMC discharges untreated sewage into Sabarmati, reveals GPCB report

Updated: Apr 20th, 2024

In a shocking revelation before the Gujarat High Court, the affidavit presented by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) revealed that the Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC), the entity tasked with Sabarmati rivers clean-up, itself discharges untreated sewage into the river.

The revelation was made by the legal advisor to the court, Hemang Shah, who alleged that with such acts, the clean-up of the river seemed impossible.

Taking serious note of the revelation, the HC bench consisting of Chief Justice Sunita Agrawal and Justice Aniruddha Mayee asked the GPCB to submit an affidavit and status report of the Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) operating in Ahmedabad every month.

Moreover, the court ordered the joint task force of GPCB, CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board), and the AMC to submit an inspection report of the STPs every three months.

Acting on an earlier HC order, the AMC had submitted a blueprint report about the STPs in the city, consisting of the details about the 16 current plants, nine plants to be added, and the increment of the capacity for four to five existing plants.

The high court, however, was reportedly not satisfied with the blueprint and remarked that it lacked some details.

Moreover, legal advisor Shah pointed out in the GPCB’s affidavit that the norms set by the National Green Tribunal, and AMC itself discharge around 300 MLD (million litres per day) of water into the Sabarmati River, without treating it into STP.

Shah added that if the entity tasked to clean the river is responsible for such acts, the clean-up of the river would be impossible.

The high court took serious note of the observations and ordered the various organisations to submit monthly/tri-monthly reports.

Also read:

613 million litres sewage to flow through Sabarmati river in next five years

Ahmedabad to get drainage infrastructure worth ₹3,000 cr
