Lack of training in GenAI, poor management key barriers for women in tech: Report

Updated: Apr 10th, 2024

Source: IANS

Lack of proper training in advancing technologies like generative AI (GenAI), poor management, and gender disparity are the major roadblocks for women pursuing careers in tech, according to a report on Apr 9.

The report by an online training platform, is based on a survey of 500 women conducted online from Sept 2023 to Jan 2024.  

The report reveals that about 31% of women in tech are considering leaving their organisation in the coming year due to poor management (29%), to get better compensation (28%), and have more diversity, equity, and inclusion (25%).

“About 85% of our survey respondents say there’s a gender disparity within their team and 38% are dissatisfied with their growth potential. We’re at a tipping point where the risk of attrition threatens to significantly widen an already prominent gender gap in the tech industry,” said Orla Daly, chief information officer of the online training platform. 

“While there are more opportunities for women than ever before, leaders must provide intentional support and foster the development of critical skills so that they can thrive, lead, and push the business forward,” she added.

Further, the report also showed a lack of training, particularly in GenAI. 

While 41% of women showed interest in learning AI, 60% said they are not yet using AI at work. Among those who use, 63% lacked adequate training and resources to integrate the technology into their work.

“The involvement and empowerment of women in AI is essential to ensuring the technology is designed and implemented in ways that are equitable and inclusive,” Daly said. 

“Diversity fosters innovation, and therefore advancing women’s skills in AI can lead to the development of more creative and equitable solutions to business problems,” she noted.

(Source: IANS)

-Edited for style

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