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Indians second-largest diaspora to get US citizenship in 2022

Updated: Apr 22nd, 2024

A total of 65,960 Indians gained US citizenship in 2022, accounting for the second-most diaspora to receive the citizenship, revealed the latest Congressional report.

Indians only second the Mexicans, as 1,28,878 people from Mexico were awarded US citizenship.

The report also revealed that in 2022, there were 4.6 crore foreign-origin citizens living in the US, making up 14% of the total population of the country, which stands at 33.3 cr.

The US citizenship was granted to 9,69,380 people in 2022. After Mexico and India, people from the Philippines (53,413), Cuba (46,913), Dominica (34,525), Vietnam (33,246), and China (27,038) were the largest groups to get citizenship.

Mexicans also make up the largest diaspora on the US lands, with Indians being the second largest. In 2023, 28,31,330 Indians lived in the USA, with 42% of them still ineligible to get US citizenship. 2.90 lakh Indian babies were born in the USA in 2023.

To get US citizenship, one has to meet the eligibility criteria set under the Immigration and Nationality Act. It includes a minimum of five years of permanent residence. The babies born to immigrants in the USA can apply for citizenship once they turn 18.

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