Student suicide rate in India surpasses population growth rate
According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, there is an alarming rise in student suicides across India. The "Student suicides: An epidemic sweeping India" report, based on data from the NCRB, reveals that the rate of student suicides has increased at a rate significantly higher than the overall population growth rate.
Despite a likely underreporting of cases, the report found that student suicides have grown by 4% annually over the past two decades, while the overall suicide rate has increased by only 2%.
Male students account for a majority of these cases, making up 53% of all student suicides in 2022.
The report highlights the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh as having the highest number of student suicides, together accounting for one-third of the national total.
Southern states and union territories contribute 29% of these cases, while Rajasthan, known for its intense academic pressure, ranks 10th.
“The data compiled by the NCRB is based on police-recorded first information reports (FIRs),” the report noted. “However, it is important to acknowledge that the actual number of student suicides is likely underreported due to social stigma and the criminalization of attempted and assisted suicide.”
The report also revealed a dramatic increase in student suicides over the past decade, with male suicides rising by 50% and female suicides by 61%.
“Addressing these gaps is essential for shifting the focus from competitive pressures to nurturing core competencies and well-being, thereby supporting students more effectively and preventing such tragedies,” the report concluded.
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