Trump’s firm stance on immigration prime concern ahead of 2024 polls

Updated: Jul 26th, 2024

Donald Trump

As Trump holds the baton for the Republicans in the 2024 presidential election, there are growing concerns that if he is elected, advanced technology and AI might be employed to identify and deport illegal immigrants.

Donald Trump has consistently voiced his intention to deport illegal immigrants from the US. 

The lure of a better future continues to draw many to the US, resulting in the influx  of illegal immigrants. Reports suggest that over 1 crore people have entered the US illegally.

The US is believed to be a land of dreams that offers better living conditions and good economic opportunities, attracting immigrants, including the illegal ones. During his first term as president in 2016, Trump made notable efforts to curb this menace, including constructing a high wall along the Mexican border and tightening security.

Surveillance and AI-driven data collection systems already exist in the US. They could be further utilised to target illegal immigrants. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents are said to be using smart algorithms and data brokers to track these individuals. They identify illegal immigrants through vehicle licence plates and public camera facial recognition. Additionally, bills paid by residents help track their whereabouts.

Over the last decade, the number of people deported from the US has increased from 60,000 to 2,00,000. During Trump’s administration from 2017 to 2021, a strict stance on immigration was adopted. ICE agents were granted the authority to deport individuals without any judicial process.

Powers acting against Trump’s stance

As a democratic country, the US upholds freedom of expression and the right to demand justice. Moreover, there are humanitarian organisations that advocate the rights of illegal immigrants. These organisations’ strong opposition has prevented the US government from taking harsh measures against illegal immigrants.

They argue that America itself was built by immigrants, and therefore, no one should be deported.

Even individuals who entered the US as children and have lived their entire lives there face the risk of deportation. However, children who entered the country before the age of two or those who married American citizens are generally protected.
