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Vadodara doctor denies treatment to pregnant patient, sparks online debate

Updated: Apr 25th, 2024

Doctor (representative img)

A Vadodara doctor garnered huge attention over a post on his X account after he denied treatment to a pregnant patient who refused to carry out the prescribed scans.

As per his X account, Dr Rajesh Parikh practises as a gynaecologist at Madhuvan Maternity and Eye Hospital in the city’s Diwalipura area.

Dr Parikh admitted to refusing treatment to the pregnant patient in her 30s and stated the reasons for doing so.

He wrote, “I turned away a pregnant patient in her 30s who, ignoring medical advice, refused an NT scan and double marker test (crucial to rule out common chromosomal defects) based on advice from non-medical friends.”

Reasoning her “misconceptions” as dictating his treatment methods, he added, “After futile attempts to reason with her, I advised her to seek a doctor who would indulge her misconceptions.”

He went on to advise doctors to follow suit, stating, “As a doctor and especially as an obstetrician, never ever let the patient dictate you the treatment/ management. You’ll be the one facing the consequences in court, not them. Just say a blunt no and ask to seek another care giver.”

Dr Parikh’s post gathered around 55.8K views on the social media platform, with many replying and reposting his story.
