Patient’s family attacks doctor at Ahmedabad’s LG hospital

Updated: Aug 20th, 2024

A family member of a patient strangled a resident doctor on the morning of Aug 19 at the emergency trauma center of Ahmedabad’s LG hospital. The patient had ingested poison and was brought in and Dr Hiral, a resident doctor was evaluating the patient.

The doctor was inquiring about the patient’s medication and other details from the family. The family, frustrated by the process, became aggressive and demanded immediate attention for the patient.

Another resident doctor,  Ravi Chaudhary, who was also present there, tried to pacify the situation when a family member began filming with a mobile phone. 

Dr Chaudhary asked them to stop filming, which led to a heated confrontation. One of the family members physically attacked Dr Chaudhary, and strangled him. Security guards at the hospital had to intervene to protect the doctor.

Following the attack, resident doctors suspended emergency services for several hours but resumed after discussions with hospital authorities. The incident has been reported to the Maninagar Police Station, and a formal complaint has been filed against the family member involved.

In response to the incident, LG Hospital’s administration is considering increased security measures, including additional guards in the emergency room and possibly establishing a police outpost on the premises. The hospital also plans to advocate for a continuous police presence to enhance safety for medical staff.

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