Gujarat Cabinet Minister’s personal secretary relieved of duty

Updated: Jan 3rd, 2025

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The Gujarat government’s General Administration Department (GAD) has issued an order relieving Pradeepsinh Rathod of  his duties as the personal secretary to Cabinet Minister Balvantsinh Rajput.

Rathod, an officer of the Gujarat Administrative Service (GAS, Class-1), was on deputation as the personal secretary in the office of Rajput, Minister of Industries, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cottage, Khadi and Village Industries, Civil Aviation, Labor, and Employment.

His services have been handed over to the G-1 branch of the GAD for reallocation.

To fill the vacant position, Narendrasinh Rajput, an officer of the GAS (Class-1), has been appointed on deputation as the additional personal secretary in Rajput’s office.

Moreover, in another order, Ruturajsinh Jadav, a provincial officer from the GAS (Old Scale), has been appointed on deputation as the additional personal secretary in the office of Rajput for the approved second post in the office’s staffing structure.

During the deputation period, the newly appointed officers will continue to receive their salary and allowances at the same level and scale as they were entitled to in their original department.

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