GPSC revises exam pattern for Class 1-2, total score increased to 1400
The Gujarat Administration Department has changed rules for Class 1, and Class 2 of the Gujarat Civil Service examinations.
According to the new rule, the Preliminary Examination will consist of an objective-type paper (multiple-choice questions) with a maximum mark of 200.
This examination serves solely as a screening test, and the marks obtained will not be considered for determining the final merit order.
Candidates who qualify provisionally in the Preliminary Examination will be eligible to appear for the Main Examination, subject to fulfilling other eligibility criteria. The number of candidates permitted to take the Main Examination will be approximately fifteen times the advertised vacancies.
Main Examination (Descriptive):
Total 7 papers
Language papers are only qualifying (Not counted in the final merit; Minimum 25% (75/300) required)
Gujarati - 300 marks
English - 300 marks
Merit Papers (1250 marks):
Essay - 250 marks
General Studies-I - 250 marks
General Studies-II - 250 marks
General Studies-III - 250 marks
General Studies-IV (Ethics, probably) - 250 marks
The interview which earlier carried 100 marks will now be marked out of 150.
The final ranking will be determined based on the total marks obtained in Papers III to VII and the Personality Test, making a total of 1400 marks.
Therefore, Final merit calculation:
Mains (1250) + Interview (150) = 1400 Marks
Notably, the old pattern of the examination consisted of six written papers and an interview, totalling 900 marks. Paper I and Paper II were Gujarati and English language papers, each carrying 100 marks. Paper III was Essay Writing, carrying 150 marks. Papers IV, V, and VI covered General Studies (GS I, GS II, and GS III), each carrying 150 marks. The interview was worth 100 marks, making the overall total 900 marks.
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