Foreign cigarettes worth ₹85 cr seized in Gujarat in 4 years

Updated: Dec 9th, 2024

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With the rise in taxes on tobacco products, the demand for cheaper foreign cigarettes has increased, resulting in a rise in cigarette smuggling in Gujarat. In the past four years alone, foreign cigarettes worth around ₹85 crore have been seized in Gujarat. 

The Indian government has imposed strict regulations on tobacco use, aiming to reduce consumption, especially among the youth. To discourage use, taxes on tobacco products have been increased.

As the prices of tobacco products, including cigarettes, have gone up, the demand for affordable foreign brands has surged. This has created an opportunity for smuggling networks to flourish. 

International smugglers are illegally bringing foreign cigarettes into India. The cigarettes are often smuggled in along with other goods, such as ready-made garments. Customs and other agencies are keeping a close watch on these smuggling operations.

According to the health ministry of the state, between 2021 and 2024, Gujarat alone has seized 5.12 crore foreign cigarettes, with an estimated value of ₹85 crore.

Smaller traders are increasingly turning to foreign cigarettes due to the higher profits they can make.

This has led to a rise in the consumption of unregistered, cheaper foreign cigarettes. However, these cigarettes often contain higher levels of cadmium, which can be harmful to health.

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