Five arrested in Khyati hospital scam sent to three-day remand

Updated: Nov 28th, 2024

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Following the arrest of five accused in the Khyati Multispecialty Hospital scam, all were remanded till November 30.

The investigation in the case has revealed that over 150 ‘free medical camps’ were hosted in 13 villages with the help of a sarpanch, and 450 local doctors who used to refer villagers to hospitals and get commission.

To further investigate and acquire documents and evidence, the police remand CEO Rahul Jain, marketing manager Milind Patel CEO Chirag Rajput, Pankit Patel and Pratik Bhatt till November 30.

Police will investigate more into – 

- How many patients received treatment? How many were given stents unnecessarily from 13 villages, 150 patients?

- How many other camps were organised where patients were treated even though they didn’t need stents?

- Which and how many village sarpanch were given commissions?

- Financial transactions with 450 local doctors in small villages.

- Which officer or employee of the PMJAY scheme is involved?

- Chirag Rajput’s other clinic named ‘Hope for Heart’ and its possible suspicious activities.

- How many people died during treatment, after stenting, or in other ways?

- How many patients were brought to the hospital from various villages through these camps, and what kind of treatment was given to them? Was the treatment given to these patients appropriate for them?

- What kind of treatment was given to patients, was it necessary for them?

- Rahul Jain prepared an audit report stating that Khyati Multispeciality Hospital had a loss of ₹30 crore. Chirag Rajput and other accused conspired to prepare the report, so they and the documents related to it are to be seized.

According to sources, if the state wants, they can easily charge ₹35-40 lakh fine for illegal activities of Khyati hospital. The hospital has operated on 4,947 patients under the PM-JAY scheme between 2021 and 2024.

They also earned ₹26.47 crore from treatments of 886 patients. 

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