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Fake Facebook profiles of two BJP MLAs surface in Vadodara

Updated: May 15th, 2024

BJP MLA Vadidara

Two BJP MLAs in Vadodara have been targeted with bogus Facebook accounts, following which both have urged the public through their official accounts not to engage in any way with these fake profiles and report them.

Former state minister Manisha Vakil, the BJP MLA from Wadi, and Sayajiganj legislator Keyur Rokadia have reported that their official social media accounts have been duplicated.

Cyber expert Mayur Bhusawalkar said that political leaders often connect with their constituents through social media, making it a prime target for those looking to exploit their popularity.

“Creating fake profiles of leaders is easy as all their details, including photos, are readily available online. However, these fraudulent attempts are quickly recognised due to their public presence.”

This incident is not isolated, as similar attempts to create fake social media accounts of political leaders in Vadodara have occurred before as well.

(This story was taken from a syndicated feed, and edited only for style by Gujarat Samachar Digital staff)
