Amid Rajput community’s strike against Rupala, BJP holds strategic meeting

Updated: Apr 4th, 2024

Parshottam Rupala

Gujarat’s political landscape is tense following union minister Parshottam Rupala’s contentious comments about the Kshatriya community that have sparked controversy and even led to threats of self-immolation.

Amid the uproar, Gujarat BJP’s organisational chief Ratnakar, Parshottam Rupala, and minister of state for home, Harsh Sanghavi, held an hour-long discussion to address the fallout, party members said.

Sources shared that Rupala, undeterred by the controversy, proceeded to Rajkot to continue his campaign.

Meanwhile, Padminiba Vala, a Rajput woman leader, initiated an indefinite hunger strike today, demanding Parshottam Rupala’s withdrawal as the BJP’s Rajkot Lok Sabha seat candidate.

To make matters worse for the BJP leader, Rajput women have threatened self-immolation if their demands were not met.

Rajput community leaders, dissatisfied with the apologies, have threatened to field independent candidates and initiate a nationwide protest against the BJP if Parshottam Rupala remains the party’s candidate.

(Source: IANS)

- Edited for style

Also read:

Rupala Controversy: Padminiba on hunger strike, Karni Sena on offensive
