Ahmedabad to get two new flyovers at Panjrapol and Panchvati junctions

Updated: Feb 17th, 2024

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The incessant traffic woes in Ahmedabad seem likely to subside as two out of 20 proposed flyovers are set for construction at Panjrapol junction and Panchvati junction at a cost of ₹ 86.94 and ₹98.18 cr, respectively.

In the recently launched budget of Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC), three flyover bridges at Panjrapol junction, Panchvati junction, and Mansi junction have been proposed.

The corporation allotted a total of ₹185.12 cr for two flyovers, one being at the Panjrapol junction (652 m long and 17 m wide), and another at Panchvati (779 m long).

The Panchvati flyover is likely to clear packed streets from the Radisson Blu Hotel to CN Vidyalaya. 

Image: Google Earth

The Panjrapol junction flyover will span from Ambawadi to Vastrapur.

Image: Google Earth

Flyovers built in the last five years in Ahmedabad

  • Income Tax Circle 
  • Anjali Circle
  • Viratnagar
  • Marengo CIMS Hospital 
  • Naroda GIDC
  • Khari Riverbridge
  • Khokhra Bridge

The city is expected to get 20 new flyovers after the chief minister theoretically approves the project of constructing seven flyovers worth ₹612.86 cr.

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