Ahmedabad Govt College principal under probe over private classes and misconduct
Updated: Sep 8th, 2024
Falguni Modi, the in-charge principal of a government college in Ahmedabad, is facing allegations of misconduct and conducting private classes within a government hospital. A complaint filed on September 5 with the Deputy Municipal Commissioner alleges that Modi was teaching students from a private college during her official hours at the AMC MET Hospital.
The complaint also accuses Modi of abusive behaviour towards subordinates, including an incident of misconduct with the Resident Medical Officer (RMO) on August 12. Additionally, there are concerns about her irregular attendance and the potential tampering of CCTV footage.
The allegations against Modi have prompted an investigation. The authorities are reviewing the CCTV footage and investigating the claims of private classes and misconduct. The complaint also demands a review of Modi’s biometric attendance data.
On August 29, Modi falsely stated in an RTI response that no complaints had been filed against her. However, the complaint filed on September 5 contradicts this claim.
The incident has raised questions about the conduct of government officials and the potential misuse of public resources. It remains to be seen what action will be taken against Modi in response to these serious allegations.
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