Good touch, bad touch: Sensitisation drive for teenage girls during Navratri

Updated: Oct 16th, 2023

Surat NGO's drive (img: File)

An unusual display of  faith was observed from an NGO which reached out to the city’s government schools to deliver lectures on teenage safety and menstrual hygiene during Navratri.

“Service as worship to the goddess”

Surat-based NGO, Hope Charitable Trust, took it upon themselves to sensitise underprivileged teenage girls about safety issues and hygiene. The group also distributed sanitary pads to government school girls.

Said Jignesh Gandhi, president of the organisation,, “During Navratri, a lot of antisocial activities occur and these young girls are highly vulnerable. This is why we thought that it is best to conduct this exercise where we teach young girls on how to identify and prevent them from taking advantage. Abuse of many teenage girls can be prevented with this sensitization drive.”

Another member of the organisation, Chelna Jain said, “A lot of teenage girls experience menstruation for the first time. Along with giving them proper understanding, we are providing them with sanitary pads and education on how to take care of their body parts.”

She said, “The education of ‘good touch, bad touch’ is also very important for girls this age.” She added, “By doing this kind of service during the Navratri festival, we are truly worshipping the goddess.”

The NGO conducts drives and social service activities in Surat to help underprivileged people during various festivals or calamities.

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